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Little Art Fun

Magee 1866 Magee 1866

Healthy version of the classic Convenience Store


"The Goods Mart is a place filled with upgrades to typical convenience store staples."

"Shaking up the archaic 7-11 model with a fresh, socially-conscious rethink of the convenience store..."
 (The goods Mart )

I sure hope that one will be coming to an area near me.....!  One can only hope.


  • No artificial colors
  • No artificial flavors
  • No artificial sweeteners
  • No growth hormones or hormone disruptors
  • Only humanely-raised animal proteins that are nitrate-, antibiotic-, and GMO-free
  • No harmful pesticides
  • Reduced use of plastics 
    (BPA-free only)
  • Exclusively organic cottons
  • Always better packaging
  • Transparency

Source; Pictured below is Rachel Krupa, Founder of The Goods Mart The Chalkboard - A Guide to Living Well
Photo Credit: Wyatt Conlon and Melissa Horn

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